Kyrgyzstan trekking tours

Silk road tours in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan

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Central Asia tours

Kirgizistan tours

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The best guides in Central Asia

Our guides

Эрлан МолдобаевErlan Moldobaev
mountain guide
Languages: French, Kyrgyz, Russian.
Professional guide since 2006
Working with tourists for a long time, Erlan knows everything of working with French tourists. Has a good physique. If necessary, can cook food. He is very polite and tolerant.
Working with groups of companies Tirawa, Adeo, L'ere du voyage.


Мурат ШерипкановMurat Sheripkanov
mountain guide
Languages: French, English, Kyrgyz, Russian.
Professional guide since 2005
One of the first French-speaking guides. Murat had great experience, good leadership skills, and of course his dazzling smile.
Loves nature of Kyrgyzstan.
Works Programme Tirawa, l'ere du voyage, Alibert.


Нурбек КазыбековNurbek Kazybekov.
mountain guide
Languages: French, Kyrgyz, Russian.
Professional guide since 2009.
Learnt French in school. After finishing his study, immediately began working with foreigners. Nurbek works on certain mountain routes, working carefully, tourists are always pleased with him.


Жайнагуль ДоолотбаковаZhaynagul Doolotbakova.
French and English speaking guide.
Four-year experience.
Zhaynagul has good knowledge of French. Knows the geography and history of Kyrgyzstan. She has experience with big groups.



vera birukova french guideBiryukova Vera
French speaking guide.
She worked since 1980. Professional guide, perfect nowledge of the language, history and a great experience. Works with big groups.




evgeniy piskunovEvgeniy Piskunov
English speaking guide.
Three-year experience guide. Guide enthusiast, loves his job,very attentive to the tourists. Professional swimmer, skin-diver.



Кама ТимеровTimerov Kamil
English speaking guide.
Five-year experience guide. Good knowledge of English. Works with the Americans, worked as a guide for a long time for the US military. Very sociable, and finds his work very interesting.



Эмиль КамаловKamalov Emil
German speaking guide.
Experience since 2005. The best German-speaking guide in Kyrgyzstan. Great experience with big tour groups. Very attentive to the tourists.



Ирина Камалова 1Irina Kamalova
German language guide.
Experience since 2009. Good German-speaking guide, works with small groups. Very attentive to the tourists.



Гульзада КожокееваGulzat Zhekshenova
German speaking guide.
Experience since 2012. Finished the guide-translators study, before the working with tourists had the experience of meeting in the national guest house. Loves her job, she has not great experience, but her enthusiasm is highly set by tourists.



miaoMiao Yuan
Chinese guide-interpreter.
Experience since 2012. Miao is more translator than a guide. But he is fond of our country, and explains the history and geography of our country very intently.



Juan CarlosJuan Carlos Najera
(English, Spanish, French)
Bike tour guide. Professional mountain guide. He works only with bike tours. He is working with groups starting from 15 persons.



Иличбек МусуралиевIlyichbek Musuraliev
French speaking guide.
7 years experience mountains guide. One of our good and promising guides. Speaks French fluently. Fond of trekking. He is very kind, open and attentive.